Sunday, April 18, 2010

Gearing up for summer!

Hi everybody! In case you're wondering where we've been, there is no need to fear... we are definitely lining up tons of new gigs for this spring and summer.

When we took off several months last fall to hire and train our new bass player, we lost the opportunity to book this spring and summer because most night clubs require 6-8 months of advance notice, and now we are that far behind.

But the good new is... we have lots of new events in the works and will be locking them in very soon. Watch for these great gigs:

May 1 - YMCA Promenade Fundraiser at the St. Cloud Civic Center (9:00pm - Midnight)

June 5 - Receders Dance Party! at the Pioneer Place Theatre (8:30pm - 11:30pm)

June 26 - The Rapids River Food Fest in Sauk Rapids (1:30pm - 4:30pm)

July 24 - Stubs Dining and Saloon in Battle Lake, MN

So stayed tuned folks. We'll keep updating this blog AND our schedule page as we lock in these dates and times. In the meantime... don't forget to pick up our new CD here if you haven't already!

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